So we didn’t catch any fish on Saturday night. We did, however, see a gorgeous sunset over the Firth of Forth and observed some colourful characters, who you wouldn’t usually associate with a quiet night of fishing…

I’m sorry I deserted you yesterday. It was, in fact, a perfect day, filled with sunshine, sea, family, friends and music. We took a boat trip out to an island in between Edinburgh and Fife called Inchcolm. I hadn’t been out there since my childhood and had forgotten how beautiful it was. We were lucky to see some seals (probably the reason we didn’t catch any fish!) and some birds, mostly gulls.

Later, we had a barbecue and then headed to the Speigal Tent in Edinburgh to soak up the atmosphere at the Edinburgh Jazz Festival (for the price of a half pint of cider, which I nursed for a good half hour!).


Back to work today. This evening we watched The Lovely Bones on TV. I read the book a few years ago and was extremely dubious about the film. I really struggled to understand how this magical yet tragic book could possibly be made into a movie. I feared that it would seem gimmicky and the sentiment would be lost somehow. For this reason, I didn’t ever make the effort to watch it at the cinema, nor the DVD. Until now.

I was truly touched by the adaptation. It broke my heart all over again. It managed to capture all the frustration, anger and confusion that Susie’s family experienced, alongside her own grief and fear. The scenes that I feared would be gimmicky actually achieved the feeling of the surreal that I thought would be lacking. In fact, I think it was better, in some ways, than the book.


I realise that this post is not exactly ‘money saving’. What I mean to illustrate, is that you don’t have to go to the movies and pay the entry fee. There are plenty of movies for free, or even for just a fraction of the cost on DVD. And you can watch them as many times as you like.